I can't work up (without)any interest in this book.诺基亚比市场上任何砖头机都要好Nokia is superior to any other block phones in the market.可以买到优质仿制品的地方the place to go for quality knockoffs“婚姻是一种为了更好或为了更坏的结合,但愿它能够长久”Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring他们从不同种族的人中提取基因物质进行研究。They studied genetic material from people of different ethnic groups.这农民有许许多多小鸡,弄得他常常自己也数不清。The farmer has so many chickens, he can often lose track of them all.有两座新房子正在修建。There are two new houses under construction.她什麽都会做: 椅子、 桌子、 柜橱--你说出什麽她都会做。She can make anything: chairs, tables, cupboards you name it.他在危急关头能镇定自若。He has a level head in emergencies.如果你穿上几件衣服,你就能保暖。If you wrap up in several garments, you will keep warm.他们把他吓得交出了钥匙.They scared him into handing over the keys.这些广告并没有包含太多有用信息The adverts are not very informative.药物有时具有令人不快的副作用。Medicines sometimes have unpleasant side effects.那个女孩穿着婚纱格外美丽动人。The girl is all the more beautiful in her wedding gown.她极有领袖气质。说实话,在这样多的不同人群当中能面面俱到,不是一件容易的事。我想她一定很想放松自己,开怀大笑一番。She's tremendously charismatic. Let's face it, it's difficult to cater to so many different groups. But I think she'd love to let her guard down and have a real good laugh.精神病能产生一种与现实世界脱离的感觉。Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.小说家要善于利用他本国的文化遗产。A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his nation.我睡过了头,误了公共汽车。I slept in and missed my bus.这家小饭馆的环境幽雅宜人。The little restaurant has a pleasant ambience.她接管公司后做了一些表面化的改革she made a few cosmetic changes when she took over the company.你所持的护照可使你享有免费医疗。Your passport qualifies you to receive free medical treatment.那位著名的电影明星过着放荡不羁的生活。That famous film star leads a bohemian life.老板把情妇安排在一个华丽而俗气的爱之窝。The boss set his mistress up in a snazzy love nest.这部连续剧是同香港电视台联合制作的。This sitcom is produced in cooperation with Hong Kong TV.他大部分钱都投资在房地产上无法动用。Most of his money's tied up in property.公司指使其职员挖对手的客户。The company authorised its staff to poach customers from the opposition.他们准备将旧家具整修一番。They are going to renovate the old furniture.科学家们力争在癌症研究方面有个突破。The scientists strive for a breakthrough in cancer research.男孩经过一次专门测验后进了体育学校。The boy got in to the athletic school after a special test.我代表饥民恳求援助.I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims.